Dentist Team in Bern - Your partner for oral health

Staying healthy with healthy teeth - for the whole of your life.

By prevention and preservation, we like to keep you and your teeth healthy. Our team's aim is to work with you together to reach that goal.
Our staff is specially trained: Our three female dentists, four prophylaxis assistant, two dental assistants and two apprentices offer dental treatments on the highest level.

Nora Oelbermann

med. dent., dentist

  • Since August 2015 owner of the dental practice ZahnInsel in Bern
  • 2013-2015 dentist in Switzerland (Zermatt and Schulzahnklinik Bern)
  • 2010-2013 dentist in Nauen/ Germany
  • 2009 dental exam in Kiel/ Germany

Treatment focus

Dentist in Bern - Nora Oelbermann
Dentist Nora Oelbermann

Dr. Catherine Rimann

Dr. med. dent., dentist

  • since August 2017: dentist at Zahninsel
  • Januar 2013 until July 2017: dentist in different dental practices in the canton of Bern
  • December 2014: Doctor's degree
  • 2012: Dental exam University of Bern
  • intructor for apprentices

Treatment focus

  • General Dentistry
  • Paediatric Dentistry
  • Reconstructive Dentistry
  • Peridontal treatment
  • Endodontic treatment
  • Dental Surgery
Dentist in Bern - Dr. Catherine Rimann
Dentist Dr. Catherine Rimann

Hannah Schröter

med. dent., dentist

  • since December 2019: Dentist at ZahnInsel
  • since summer 2019: teacher bemed (School for becoming dental assistant)
  • 2015-2019: dentist in different practices
  • 2014: Dental exam University of Bern

Treatment focus

Dentist Hannah Schröter
Dentist Hannah Schröter

Valentina Miodragovic

Prophylaxis assistant

  • Since 2016 member of the ZahnInsel-Team
  • Prophylaxis assistant for adults and kids
  • Since 2013 Prophylaxis asssistant (SSO-Fachausweis)
  • Since 2011 Dental assistant
Prophylaxis assistant Valentina Miodragovic
Prophylaxis assistant Valentina Miodragovic

Carmen Kaltenrieder

Prophylaxis assistant

  • Since October 2019 member of the ZahnInsel-Team
  • Prophylaxis assistant for adults and kids
  • Since 2006 Prophylaxis asssistant (SSO-Fachausweis)
  • 16 years of dental experience in different denatl practices
  • intructor for apprentices
Prophylaxeassistentin Carmen Kaltenrieder
Prophylaxeassistentin Carmen Kaltenrieder

Andrea Willen

Dental assistant, trainee Prophylaxis assistant

  • Since September 2018 member of the ZahnInsel-Team
  • Dental assistant since 2011
  • Manager of ZahnInsel
  • since November 2019 trainee prophylaxis assistant
  • intructor for apprentices
Andrea Willen Foto
Dental assistant Andrea Willen

Marina Bosnjak

Dental- and Prophylaxis assistant

  • since November 2017 member of the ZahnInsel-Team
  • Dental assistant & Prophylaxys assitant for adults and kids
  • since 2016 Prophylaxys assistant (SSO-Fachausweis)
  • Since 2011 Dental assistant
Dental- and Prophylaxys assistant Marina Bosnjak

Fabienne Weidmann

Dental assistant

  • since August 2019 member of the ZahnInsel-Team
  • Direct assistance
  • Hygiene manager
Dental assistant Fabienne Weidmann
Dental assistant Fabienne Weidmann

Subarna Balakrishnan

Dental assistant EFZ

  • Since August 2017 member of the ZahnInsel-Team
Subarna Balakrishnan
Auszubildende Dentalassistentin Subarna Balakrishnan

Ibadete Veseloska

Apprentices Dental assistant EFZ

  • Since October 2018 member of the ZahnInsel-Team
  • 2nd year